Rise & Fall – The Story of Salon TV

Rise & Fall – The Story of Salon TV

In our last piece, “Redefining Beauty and How It’s Marketed”, we briefly touched on Rob E. Angelino’s experience working with Salon TV. How it helped solidify the importance of passion in any project that’s to be undertaken successfully. While this is an...
Redefining Beauty and How It’s Marketed

Redefining Beauty and How It’s Marketed

The Industry is Redefining Beauty Standards It takes a strong mind and confidence to spark a revolution. We discussed this in our article “Beauty Has No Room for Misogyny” and the strong women behind the #MeToo movement. Additionally, we talked about how we avoided...
Beauty Has No Room for Misogyny

Beauty Has No Room for Misogyny

Women Fight Against Misogyny Revolution is often waged with weapons. Sometimes through protests. In the case of the #MeToo movement, the revolution was waged with a hashtag. However, it soon extended far beyond the hashtag. In a fight against misogyny in a still...
Beauty Network®: Beauty Industry Change Agent

Beauty Network®: Beauty Industry Change Agent

A Change Agent is Coming How does one tell the story of beauty? If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, like the saying goes, then there are countless interpretations of how to share a tale of beauty with others. However, with all the negativity present in television...